It’s 2am

 It’s s 2am and the whole world is silent

And you are forced to listen to your own thoughts 

And that voice inside your head gets louder 

Your regrets get stronger

You question every decision you made

At 2am your thoughts, the world is asleep

you aren’t 

And your thoughts get louder

You can’t seem to stop them

They’re too loud 

Its 2am and you want to scream 

Because your thoughts are already doing that inside your mind

The demons under your bed seem less scary than the ones inside your head;

You can’t seem to face your naked thoughts 

Your thoughts, so pure, so resonating 

You can’t escape it. 

Your mind turns into a radio, you can’t shut down

Its 2am and the world’s dreaming 

But your thoughts become words

Unfiltered , real. 

You might regret them the next morning, 

But they’re said 

After all it’s 2am.

(i literally wrote this, sleep deprived, at 2am . might not make a lot of sense.) 


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